Interdisciplinary Workshop
For Lifelong Learning
Learn 21st Century Skills, Current Affairs,
General Awareness through Case Studies and Projects
Workshop Dates and Venues
Weekend Program
Dates : Starting 31st August 2024 to 15th December 2024
Time : 10AM to 12PM (Noon)
Total Sessions : 15 Weekends on Saturdays and Sundays
Mode : Online (Zoom)
Fees: Rs 80,000 + 18% GST
What is 'learnacy' school?
In today's dynamic world, it's debatable whether being literate means just being able to read, write, and do math in the most widely accepted definition. Literacy and numeracy are essential but there is a need to adopt learning as a lifestyle to stay relevant in the 21st-century.
Young people today must possess the ability and attitudes necessary to discover their own paths to desired goals. Curiosity, creativity, communication, critical thinking, collaboration and the capacity to learn should all be encouraged through a well researched correlative and dynamic curriculum.
Regrettably, none of these things occur as a result of standardised curriculum, and none of them are easily quantifiable. These are inherent characteristics that are cultivated and developed via collaboration on meaningful and significant work. They are instilled through a lifelong learning process, not through instruction and testing.
We believe the moment has come to embrace this capacity for learning called Learnacy
More About Bootcamp
Learn about defining political and economic events, breakthrough technologies, important disruptions and gain essential skills to supercharge your academic profile and become a confident student
Delve into an intensive Bootcamp to gain functional knowledge about contemporary world affairs and essential 21st-century topics
What Happens At Learnacy School?
Sarvesh Prabhu
" It was a wonderful course in which I learnt about a lot of things ranging from geopolitics to sciences.
I also learnt how interconnected things gave me a different worldview and a holistic education which is not available in the formal sector"
Khanak Lashkari
"The program was designed in such a holistic manner that it opened my eyes to a number of possibilities and opportunities out there.
It was so different and diversifying, we studied ranging from geopolitics to math to leadership. It has given me the direction to understand the world from a different perspective."
Tamanna Dharamsey
​​It was limitless, boundless learning and it was an unbelievable amount of fun because you get to interact and do it with other people.
We learnt how to innovate, how to present, how to create, how to think differently about life, leadership and obviously about how we learn"
Ananya Sethia
" It inspired me to make an effort to be aware of what's happening around me and to be curious in general.
The way it is taught is very fun and captivating and after every session, I would eagerly wait for the next session"
Krisha Mehta
" It was absolutely amazing. The way technology was used to deliver so many concepts and ideas were very new and interesting to me.
It inculcated within me the perspective of doing your own research and having your own opinions to have a global and holistic view of what is happening around me. "
Aarav Raina
" It is a brilliant program. I really enjoyed it. The concept of studying with the help of technology is really amazing.
I learnt a lot through the different modules. Absolutely loved it and would recommend it to everyone aspirational student out there"
What is the eligibility for One Young India programs?Our programs are designed for students in high schools, undergraduates and post graduate students aged between 13-25 years. Ideal Age Groups: 1) Learnacy Bootcamps : 13-21 Years 2 )Model NITI Aayog : 13-25 Years
What is the acceptance rate for the One Young India programs?We receive over 1000 applications for each cohort with an average acceptance rate of 10%
On what basis are applications selected?Our admission decision is based on the responses to application form and overall assessment of student profiles. We seek to identify talented young people who are devoted to academic and leadership excellence. Some key qualities we look for in candidates are logic, critical thinking and creativity.
Do I get any certificate for attending the programs?Yes, we do provide the participants with a certificate. Certification is completely contingent on attendance and completion of the project activity. Due to our curriculum's group character, complete attendance is a necessary factor to be eligible for certification.
What are projects like during One Young India programs?The last day of the program is reserved for participant presentations with each participant expected to design and teach a topic assigned to them. During the course of the workshop, participants research their assigned topic and work with their teams to deliver a 45 minute presentation.
Can I apply for scholarship?In order to ensure that all deserving candidates get a fair chance to attend the program, One Young India offers 10 scholarships of up to 50% per cohort. In order to secure your scholarship, you must submit an additional essay post your admission rollout explaining how will your presence benefit the cohort and why do you deserve this scholarship? Selected applicants can reply to us via email to "" with the Subject Title "Scholarship Application"