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Class 10 Geography Notes

Resources and Development Notes | Class 10 Geography
What is a resource? Everything available in our environment which can be used to satisfy our needs, provided it is technologically...

Water Resources Notes | Class 10 Geography
Some Facts About Water Water has a lot of uses and is essential for life. It can therefore be observed that most human civilizations...

Agriculture Notes | Class 10 Geography
Agrarian Economy of India Agriculture is India's most important economic industry. Agriculture in India accounts for 18% of the country's...

Minerals and Energy Resources Notes | Class 10 Geography
What are Minerals? Minerals are “homogeneous, naturally occurring substances with a definable internal structure.” Minerals are found in...

Manufacturing Industries Notes | Class 10 Geography
What is the importance of Manufacturing? Manufacturing industries not only help in modernising agriculture, which forms the backbone of...

Lifelines of National Economy Notes | Class 10 Geography
Roadways in India India has one of the largest road networks in the world (2nd in the World), aggregating to about 4.3 million km at...
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