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Class 11 Sociology Notes

Sociology | Class 11 | Sociology and Society
What is Sociology? Sociology is the study of human society as a whole. It also performs certain tasks in its field as a discipline: One...

Sociology | Class 11 | Understanding Social Institutions
Introduction We each have a status and a role, but we don't get to choose them. They are not roles that an actor might play. Social...

Sociology | Class 11| Culture and socialization
Sociologists and anthropologists are interested in the social conditions in which culture exists. They dissect culture in order to...

Sociology | Class 11 | Research Methods in sociology
Introduction Sociology covers known issues more than any other field. We all live in society, therefore we're familiar with social...

Sociology | Class 11 | Indian Sociologists
Introduction Because Indian society and social structure were so dissimilar from those of western European societies, Indian sociology...

Sociology | Class 11 | Terms, Concepts and their Use in Sociology
Introduction This chapter delves more into the types of groups that people form, the types of unequal orders that people make, the...

Sociology | Class 11 | Introducing Western Sociologists
Introduction Sociology is occasionally referred to as the offspring of the "era of revolution." The Enlightenment, sometimes known as the...

Sociology | Class 11 | Environment and Society
Introduction Social interactions with the environment have evolved over time and differ depending on the location. Every society has an...

Sociology | Class 11 | Social Change & Social Order in Rural & Urban Society
Social change Any society's greatest enduring characteristic is change. Social change is characterised as a shift in people's ways of...

Sociology | Class 11 | Social Structure, Stratification & Social Processes
Introduction Each person has a unique place in the social structure and system of social stratification (see pages 28-35 in Introducing...
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