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Writer's pictureOne Young India

India's External Relations | Class 12 Political Science

The chapter introduces students to India's external relations and its foreign Policy. It also highlights the policy of Non-Alignment, the Afro-Asian Unity and the role played by India in the Bangladesh War of 1971. The chapter also talks about the Chinese invasion and the Indo-Pakistan war.


International Context

India was born and grew up in a very challenging global environment, there were many countries that came into the world picture as a result of the end of colonialism. Most of these new countries were attempting to reconcile the twin challenges of welfare and democracy.

After gaining independence, the foreign policy of free India also reflected these concerns. On the other hand India was also dealing with some internal issues and the issue of poverty alleviation.

India's Entry into International Affairs

As a nation born in the midst of a world war, India decided to conduct its foreign relations with the goal of respecting other nations' sovereignty and maintaining peace. This goal was widely echoed by the State Policy Directive Principles.

There were many nations with lack of resources to effectively represent its interest in international forums. As a result, they set lower goals. Many nations valued peace and progress in their immediate environment.

There was one key factor that a nation's reliance on more powerful states for economic and security aspects also affects its foreign policy. Many post-war developing countries chose to support the foreign policy preferences of the powerful countries that aided or financed them.

This resulted in the split of the world into two camps. The US and its allies influenced one, while the Soviet Union influenced the other.

The end of the Cold War changed everything in international relations. At the time of India's independence, the Cold War was just beginning, and the world was divided into two camps.