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Writer's pictureOne Young India

The New START Treaty


Recently, the Russian President announced the suspension of the NEW START Treaty, raising concerns of the beginning of the arms race.

An agreement to limit nuclear weapons was struck by the US and Russia on April 8, 2010, and it went into effect on February 5, 2011. Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty is the acronym for "New START." The old START I Treaty, which had ended in December 2009, was replaced by this one.

The New START Treaty places a cap on the number of nuclear warheads that may be deployed at 1,550 as well as the number of missiles and bombers that can be used as delivery systems at 700 for each side. Additionally, it contains a thorough verification and monitoring system that enables both parties to keep track on one another's nuclear arsenals and guarantee treaty observance.

The New START Treaty's major objective is to lessen the likelihood of nuclear conflict between the US and Russia, which still have the greatest nuclear arsenals in the world. The treaty contributes to the development of trust and confidence between the two nations by limiting the number of deployed nuclear weapons and upholding transparency in each other's nuclear activity.

Originally set to expire on February 5, 2021, the New START Treaty was instead extended by the United States and Russia for a further five years, until 2026, in January 2021.

Key Features

The New START Treaty contains a number of crucial components that are intended to lower the possibility of nuclear conflict between the United States and Russia and to foster mutual confidence and transparency over their nuclear arsenals. The following are the treaty's primary components:

  • Limits on deployed nuclear weapons: The pact places restrictions on the number of intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs), submarine-launched ballistic missiles (SLBMs), heavy bombers equipped for nuclear weaponry, and deployed strategic nuclear warheads that each side may possess.

  • Verification and monitoring: To ensure that the treaty's terms are being followed, the treaty established a strong verification and monitoring framework. This regime includes data exchanges, on-site inspections, and other actions.

  • Bilateral Implementation Commission: The treaty creates a Bilateral Implementation Commission (BIC), which is in charge of supervising its execution and resolving any disagreements that could occur.

Information on the number and location of deployed and non-deployed nuclear weapons, as well as details on missile defence systems and other capabilities, are required to be disclosed as part of the notifications and other transparency measures required by the treaty.

The treaty is in effect for ten years and may be extended by any party for a further period of up to five years with the consent of the other.

The New START Treaty's overall goal is to promote stability and lower the possibility of nuclear conflict between the United States and Russia by limiting the number of nuclear weapons in deployment, enhancing openness and trust between the two countries, and putting in place a strong verification and monitoring system.


In conclusion, the New START Treaty is a nuclear arms control agreement between the United States and Russia that aims to reduce the risk of nuclear war between the two countries by limiting the number of deployed nuclear weapons and promoting transparency and mutual trust in their nuclear arsenals. The treaty's key elements, such as limitations on deployed nuclear weapons, verification and monitoring, notifications and transparency measures, and the Bilateral Implementation Commission, provide a comprehensive framework for reducing the risk of nuclear conflict and promoting international security. The extension of the treaty until 2026 reflects the ongoing commitment of both countries to arms control and nuclear disarmament, and underscores the importance of cooperation and diplomacy in addressing global security challenges.

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